Monday, August 11, 2014

On Back to School

Just a few short months ago, I was wondering what on Earth I was going to come up with to keep us busy all summer.  I was sure it was going to crawl by.  Guess what?  It FLEW.  The girls had orientation today and school starts for real tomorrow.  What?!?  Where the heck did summer go?

We had big plans to hit a water park, go to the zoo, go to the Children's Museum, Library, and play at the park every day.  We did almost none of these things.  The days flew right on by!  We did make it to the park about once a week.  We went to a water park when we were on vacation.  We made it to the library once, too.  The girls each had gymnastics once a week.  That was it...all summer.  Most days, we were happy right here just enjoying our yard and all of the fun toys we have in this house.

Looking back on summers growing up, we didn't rush from one thing to the next.  Our days weren't planned full of activities, yet we still had a great time.  I have wonderful memories of playing outside, reading all day, playing goofy games with my brothers, and spending time at the pool.  We didn't rush from place to place and thing to thing to fill the hours.  We just enjoyed the time relaxing at home.

Last week as we rushed through store after store filling the school supply lists and stocking up on uniforms, I was ready for the craziness of having three kids at home all of the time to end.  I have been looking foward to back to school more than I should.  I'm ready for a minute to sit and breathe and not be constantly filling kid needs.  Having just Logan here is going to feel like vacation.

I feel a little guilty and selfish saying that, but it's true.  My patience level is going to jump tremendously starting tomorrow.  I won't be nearly as tired at the end of the day.  I'll have a little time just for me again.

I sat down last night to plan out what I'm going to do with my new found freedom.  I'm going to finally get this house all the way clean all at one time.  I'm going to sit in the silence while Logan naps and read.  I'm going to eat lunch before my food gets cold.  I'm going to play just with Logan.  I'm going to get in a routine of working out.  And then I ran out of ideas and realized what I'm going to miss even more than a quiet, clean house.

I'm going to miss the girls.  I'm going to want to do puzzles and hug them in the middle of the day.  I'm going to drink chocolate milk in the afternoon and wish they were here drinking some with me.  I'm going to plan their favorite meals for dinner so that they know I was thinking about them all day.  I'm going to get bored during Logan's nap.

As much as I'm looking forward to the freedom that sending them to school grants me, I'm sure going to miss their laughter and their sweet little smiles during the day.

I'm conflicted today, guys.  I am very much ready for school to start for selfish reasons, but for some different selfish reasons, I'm not at all ready for school to start.

So, for the rest of today, I'm going to make my last weekday with all of my kids count.  And when tomorrow hits, and I only have one little sweetie here with me for most of the day, I'm going to fill the time with things I've been longing to do all summer.  I'm sure going to enjoy this first week with the girls at school, but I'm going to be more than ready to have them back with me all day Saturday.

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