Friday, May 9, 2014

On waxing your face

I have to admit, I'm nervous about this.  I've been thinking about a blog for a long time.  I really just need an outlet that gives me something just for me.  For the past 5 years, it's been all about my kids, which is perfect.  It's what I chose to do with my life.  I am a stay-at-home Mom who gives everything (most days) to this family. But this one, it's just for me.  Any you, if you like it.  This is going to be a big, confusing compilation of things that run through my head.  Good luck to head is a scary place!  It will be about ways I'm working it as a Mom, ways I'm failing, and things that have nothing to do with mothering, but seem important or just plain funny.  Today I'm starting with one of those topics that is just for you Mommies out there who no longer have time to get things done the professional way.

This is just a quick story on when waxing goes wrong.  Obviously, we can put this in the mistake column.

I used to have time for myself: time to get my hair done, get my nails done, have unwanted hair removed from my face.  While these things sometimes got tedious and even a little painful, it was comforting knowing I could just walk out my door and have someone else do it for me.  My hair has become a tragedy.  I remember the days when I went to the salon every 6 weeks to have it colored and cut.  Now, I'm lucky to make it every 3-4 months.  I'm trying to rock the ombre look.  Actually, I just have horrible roots.  Here's a tip.  Ready?  Chop your hair super short.  That way, you desperately want it to grow and the urge to go in every 6 weeks lessens.  I literally don't want anyone near this hair until it's at least another inch longer...and it's hasn't been cut since mid-February.  Tricky, right?  There is no way I'm taking on coloring my own hair, so it just has to limp through until the next time I have 2 spare hours to give to the wonderful lady at the salon...let me know if you have some spare time you can send my way!

I've taken my nails into my own hands.  Literally. I bought an at home gel nails kit. I have the UV light, the polish, the (mostly) steady hand, and the determination to get it right.  They don't look too bad when I finally get around to doing them, which is maybe once a month.  A for effort!  

Now to the real story and reason for this post.  My face.  My poor, neglected face.  If I remember, I break out the tweezers once a week and attack my eyebrows.  Usually, I don't notice them until it's about four days too late, and I'm starting to look like Sasquatch.

Let's move on from eyebrows to my accidental upper lip hair.  It is NOT a moustache.  Back off.  My upper lip hair, usually gets attention every 2 months.  You are cringing right now, aren't you?  Me, too!  I've tried several different things.  I like the creams that you let sit for 4-5 minutes and then remove.  They do a decent job.  This time, I thought, 4-5 minutes?  Ain't nobody got time for that!  So, I bought into a wax strip kit.  Easy peasy.  You warm it up between your hands, slap it on your face, yank, and voila!  The hair is gone.  

I put the first strip on, yanked, and there was still hair.  Naturally, I stuck another one on immediately, smashed it on there good, and RIIIIIIIIIIPPPPP!!!  No more hair, and a lot less lip.  I feel lied to in a way.  Yes, the hair is gone, BUT SO IS HALF OF MY LIP!!!  I had already done half of the job, so with tears streaming down my face, I went for the other half.  RIIIIIIIIIIPPPPP!  Mostly hair this time, but still a little piece of lip.  

The top picture is of the mangled lip.  Guys!  I don't have an upper lip to start with, so ripping off what little was there was devastating!  The bottom picture is a shout out to selfies...I mean...shows that a smile can hide the worst of the damage.  I look crazy right now.  I walk around with a permanent smile to hide the damage.  So weird.  

OH MY GOSH.  It's my kids!  How did they get in here?  There are no words for how much these babies melt my heart!  Beyond blessed!

Time to get back to the matter at lips...and a little bit of misinformation.  I got on Facebook and thought I'd be funny about ripping the hair and skin off of my face.  I lied, you guys.  I played it cool when someone actually commented. I told them my eyebrows would never be the same.  IT WASN'T MY EYEBROWS!!!  It was my lip.  I don't know why I thought I could cover my tracks and pretend I don't have unwanted upper lip hair, but I just went for it.  Hindsight.  The next morning, there was no covering up the true story.  I have nice crusty scabs on the sides of my lips. Well played, God.  I know it's not OK to lie.  Thank you for calling me out on that one! They hurt any time I talk...or smile...or eat something salty.  Especially when I eat something salty.  Moral of the story...have someone else wax your accidental upper lip hair!!!!  Or just be way more competent than I am at this particular beauty undertaking!  Better yet, stick with the 4-5 minute cream!

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