Hannah and her Uncle Nate hanging out when she was 2 months old.
She was looking at her corner smiling in this one. We were all cracking
up at her smiling at the angels! Not so funny when you stop and think
about it. Pretty amazing, really!
Babies are also completely disgusting. I could go on and on about the things that come out of their little bodies. Usually, those nasty things end up all over me. I can't remember what it's like to not be covered in baby yuck. I will also admit that I wouldn't change a single disgusting second.
In our house, our babies have always been drawn to disgusting places that adults try to avoid. Toilets are completely fascinating. Logan stuck his hand in one as Camden was peeing just the other day. He was having a great time. I was having a heart attack. DISGUSTING!
A main focal point for babies in the Lynch house has ALWAYS been the trash can. When Hannah was just barely one-year-old, we had to hide it in the laundry room because the minute she started walking, she became a dumpster diving trash can addict. Luckily, in that house the laundry room was right next to the kitchen. We very quickly moved the trash can behind that closed door. Problem solved. Camden ignored trash cans. By the time she was old enough to find a trash can, we lived in a house where it had its own pull-out drawer in the kitchen. Every house should come with this. It should be required in the building permits. Home inspections should fail unless there is trash can drawer that is in place and functional. Logan became mobile when were once again in a house where the trash can didn't have its own home/drawer. Our trash can is where we need it...in the kitchen. It is too big to fit in a cabinet or the pantry, so it hangs out at the end of our island for all babies to discover and enjoy.
The boy spends all day touching it.
And throwing things in it.
And trying to figure out a way to get his treasures back out once he's thrown them in. This usually ends up in Mom or Dad digging through the trash until we find his treasure and return it safely (after it has a bath) to him.
Please tell me my little weirdos aren't the only ones who do this! If you know why, please enlighten me! Is it because the can is shiny? Because it has a really cool lid that opens and closes? Because it's just the right (or wrong) height?
I'm adding this to the Mommy fail category. After three kids, I still can't figure out the fascination. I still haven't learned how to stop this disgustingness, short of hiding the trash can, which isn't an option in this house. I am very ready for the day when he leaves this nasty piece of necessary household equipment alone. I'm tired of dumpster diving, little buddy, but I will do it for the rest of my life if it makes you happy! Let's just make sure we always have enough anti-bacterial soap, OK?
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