Monday, June 16, 2014

On Teething Trouble

My girls were sweet little angels when they were getting teeth.  I remember a few runny noses, some low grade fevers, and that was it!  Hannah had three molars pop through and I didn't have a single clue that she was even getting teeth.  They were teething all-stars.

Logan has not been so lucky.  I think it's funny to joke about how he's just like all men.  When they are sick or not feeling well the world ends.  Right, ladies?  One little sniffle sends them running to bed where they need to be waited on hand and foot.  Come on, guys!  Get over it!

Around here it's just that...100% a joke.  It's totally not true in this house.  When Heath is sick, he rarely even mentions it, let alone complains and ceases to be able to function.  I, on the other hand, deal with sickness a little differently.  If I am miserable, everyone around me is darn well going to be miserable, too.  I really don't do it on purpose.  I just can't help it!  This is reason #1 why there will not be any more Lynch babies, unless there is a little divine intervention.  It's 9 months of me feeling like the walking dead.  Apparently, Heath feels that way, too.

The baby bug hit me a few months ago, and I was basically on my knees on the floor begging for just one more.  Heath looked me in the eye and very calmly told me, "HELL no!  Honey, when you are pregnant, so is everyone else around you."  OOPS.  Point taken.  I'm a wimp when I feel like crap.  If I don't feel good, you shouldn't either!

Back to my son.  Who is CLEARLY my son based on the past week.  If I hadn't carried him for almost 9 months and given birth to him, this would be the proof that he is indeed my boy.  It's molar time in that little man's mouth.  Guess who is miserable and wants everyone else to be miserable, too?

I've seen a lot of this...

The sound that comes with that face is something else.  It's pretty much the worst sound on the planet.  He's not really crying, he's just miserable.  So he makes us miserable with the noise that comes out of his face every five minutes.  Poor little guy.  I hate being helpless about things like this.  I want to fix it.  First, because my babies should never be in pain.  Second, because our ears cannot take this sound much longer.  

Motrin didn't really do anything.  Chewing on cold things didn't really do anything for him. Snuggles?  Fail.  Attempts at distraction?  Fail.  Naps?  FAIL!!!  This boy naps for less than an hour right now and is up several times at night because he's just plain miserable.  Have I mentioned that he's MISERABLE?

So, naturally, we hit up the baby section at target.  And came home with these babies...

It was like a Christmas miracle!  I stuck 2 under his tongue and he was instantly back to his normal, happy little self!


The only downfall is that these things wear off much more quickly than drugs.  We just shove a few more under his tongue every couple of hours to get through the worst of it.  Come on, molars!  Cut through and leave my little man alone!

Teething is always a fail if it makes your baby miserable.  Luckily, there are a few wonderful products out there that can help you win your way through.  Did you guys hear the sigh of relief that came out of this house when we finally found something that worked for our little guy?

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