There was a huge snuggle session going on here. I, of course, was just a fraction of a second too late getting the camera. Little man doesn't sit still for long!
Gramma and the girls!
My Mom is basically super Gramma. The kids won't let me near them when she is here. We are all OK with this. Gramma gets to spoil them rotten, and it gives me a lot of time to do things I don't normally have time to get around to in a day. Like sew! I am pretty sure I have not had my sewing machine out since we moved....10 months ago! It was definitely time to break out my machine and give it some love.
The girls room is sadly lacking in the decoration department. I love fabric pennant banners. I've made a few large ones in the past, so I decided to make a much smaller version to hang on their dresser mirror.
Wouldn't it be nice to snap your fingers and have a finished product? It was almost that simple! It was a quick and easy project that took a little over an hour start to finish.
First things first. Pick your fabric. I raided my scrap bin and came up with these colors. I was hoping to find a few more to add, but this was all I had that worked together, so I went with it.
You'll have to excuse the awful picture quality. It was an overcast day and my lighting was terrible.
Cut a 4 inch tall strip out of each fabric. I doubled mine up so that the layer would be a little bit thicker and hang better.
The top of each pennant was 3 inches wide. I started at the top, measured 3 inches over and made a little mark. I did that every 3 inches across the top. On the bottom, I made my first mark 1.5 inches from the edge and then every 3 inches after that.
Cut your diagonals mark to mark.
Cut all of the triangles for all of your fabric choices.
Sew along the edges. I sewed down one side, left the needle in the fabric, turned it, and sewed up the other side to keep it uniform.
Grab some ribbon or some binding tape and start sewing your triangles to the ribbon. I've used binding tape in the past for larger banners. I didn't have any on hand, so I grabbed some ribbon that I had laying around. It worked great!
You could certainly pin all of your triangles to the ribbon to hold them in place as you sew, but I am too lazy for that, so I just stuck them on as I went.
Voila! All done!
I really should have waited for a sunny day! I'm cringing inside at the poor color quality of these pictures. You forgive me, right?